Student Profile: Glnaz

"Although I've only been here for 2 months, I can already feel my English improving bit by bit. What I truly enjoy about studying here is how kind, polite and helpful my teacher is. The lessons are easy to follow and understand."

5/29/24, 9:49 AM

My name is Glnaz Pavlova and I am an 84-year-old woman originally from Kazakhstan. I have been living in New Zealand for the past 20 years, having arrived here in 2001. My mother tongues are Tartar and Russian.

When I first moved to New Zealand, I knew very little English. The only exposure I had was from primary school back home, where we only had two English classes per week. This language barrier made me feel very isolated and sad, as I was unable to communicate and connect with others around me.

It was this desire to learn English and be able to converse with people that motivated me to enroll at DynaSpeak English school. My son, who is also a student there, recommended I study at DynaSpeak.

I am currently at Level 1 in my English studies at DynaSpeak. Although I've only been here for 2 months, I can already feel my English improving bit by bit. What I truly enjoy about studying here is how kind, polite and helpful my teacher is. The lessons are easy to follow and understand.

Compared to other places I've studied in the past, DynaSpeak has been a wonderful experience so far. The supportive learning environment and approachable teaching style have made a big difference.

In just these two months, studying English at DynaSpeak has already had a positive impact on my life. While my language skills are still developing, I've made new friends from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine - young people I can practice conversing with during our breaks. This has been particularly memorable.

My long-term goal is to keep practicing and improving my English proficiency so that I can make even more friends and connections. I know it will take time and effort, but I am committed to achieving this goal once I complete my studies at DynaSpeak.

At my age, being able to communicate and forge new bonds is so precious. DynaSpeak has given me that opportunity by helping me learn English in a supportive, enriching environment. I am deeply grateful for this chance to keep growing.